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Registration FAQs

Changes to your CQC registration
How do I apply for a change of Registered Manager
What can the CQC do if a provider does not meet the required standards?
Do I have to register every year?
To register all I need to do is fill out an application form?
Can I still register if I don’t comply?
Do we have to change all our polices to comply with CQC?
Are CQC and QOF the same?
What if I am not compliant?
What if I don't register?
Can they shut me down?
Do I need to hire a consultant to take me through the registration process?
Can I say I am compliant and catch up with it later
Who should be the registered manager?
Do all my staff need a DBS check?
I am registered with the GMC. Do I require a standard DBS?
Can I contact the CQC for help and advice?