Whatever you do, DO NOT FILE THE GOVERNANCE PACK. As with most things, you will hope to come back to it later but will never find the time.
70% of clients who file it straight away, still haven't used this pack 3 months later.

This is how you can conduct your first review quickly:-

  1. Set aside 30 minutes to do this
  2. Do not worry if you spot gaps, this is our first read, you can come back to fix things later in your own time
  3. Use the included an Action List for things that you spot as not yet done

The idea is to get through the first review without breaking the rythm by stopping for missing items. Then you can prioritise important issues and plan out how best to tackle the missing items.

Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

Partnered with the NAPC, the largest PCN network in England


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If you are part of an NHS body or a Membership or Regulatory organisation, you may qualify to use our products as a Reference Standard.