Life changed dramatically for us when we got the Quality Standards System.

Day One:
This was the "Setup" stage, essentially flicking through the pages to familiarise myself of the topics and picking the top 5 topics I wanted to focus on. This took me a whole 30 minutes.

Day Two:
I took just the first chosen topic into the Management Meeting and gave everyone a copy to read, comment and sign. It took everyone just one minute to read the topic, and a 10 minute discussion followed. I explained how the system worked and that what we had just achieved was a formal discussion, team review, improvement strategy, and CPD ... in 10 minutes.

Day Three:
At the next meeting, I repeated this with a second topic, just to reiterate the process. Another 10 minutes and they had just done my job for me.

Day Four:
This time I asked one of my Admin Staff, who had zero CQC knowledge to run with the 3rd topic. Same 10 minutes spent, same achievement.

It took me 3 meetings, and 10 minutes in each meeting, to delegate virtually all of my Compliance Review to the rest of the team

Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

Partnered with the NAPC, the largest PCN network in England


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If you are part of an NHS body or a Membership or Regulatory organisation, you may qualify to use our products as a Reference Standard.