PCNs can take advantage of being in a group by pooling resources and having just one set of Significant Event Audits between them.

Common problems with organising SEAs:-

  1. Finding the topics to investigate
  2. Getting material together
  3. Co-ordinating discussions

Shared SEAs, a PCN-wide solution:-

  1. Create a common shared register of candidate topics
  2. Select the top 3-5 topics for all members to audit
  3. Share the material with everyone in the group at the same time
  4. Organise a single event to discuss this or each location does their own and shares the findings
  5. Exchange notes and findings with everyone

The aim should be to complete say 5 shared SEAs from a ready-made list of topics. Members have the option to tackle more at their option.
SEAs should be about both positive and negative events that we learn from, and a common misconception is that these should be “incidents” and negative events.

Benefits and Achievements:-

  1. A single SEA topic is now covered between 5-7 members
  2. Substantial time saving
  3. Achieves CQC compliance
  4. Achieves revalidation
  5. Demonstrates shared collaborative learning.

Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

Partnered with the NAPC, the largest PCN network in England


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