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Professor James Kingsland OBE - key advisor to everythingCQC

The biggest change in Primary Care in 25 years

If you are looking for the person that has quietly changed the direction of the NHS for the next decade and more, it is Professor James Kingsland.

The immediate past President of the NAPC, Professor Kingsland is the co-architect of the Primary Care Home initiative funded by NHS England who oversaw the successful national roll out and remains its National Clinical Director.

This blueprint of integrated care proved so compelling that NHS England commissioned the NAPC team headed by Professor Kingsland and Dr Nav Chana to pilot the Primary Care Home concept. This has now become mandatory by NHSE making it part of the GP contract under the model of Primary Care Networks (PCNs).

 Prof James Kingsland

He brings with him over 30 years of knowledge in Primary Care and Integrated Care, and a vision to create a new way of working. He has a very long and distinguished history of leading change in Primary Care and will now help us shape our “360 degree Workplace” initiative for more interpersonal and cohesive workplace.

In line with the PCN initiative the 360 degree Workplace will be a unifying methodology creating a common standard for Healthcare and Adult Social Care

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Professor James Kingsland OBE - key advisor to everythingCQC
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Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

 Partnered with the NAPC, the largest PCN network in England
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