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One unified CQC system for Healthcare & Adult Social Care

We are experienced in both Healthcare and Adult Social Care.

The regulations are the same for all providers, and so are the core principles of quality and compliance.

The key difference between service types is how actual care is delivered at operational level and which aspects carry more emphasis compared to other Provider types.

The benefits of a single universal standard:-

  1. Standardisation across all provider types
  2. Easy standardisation for complex providers
  3. Easy for us to support
  4. Easy for cross collaboration
  5. Ready for integrated care

Background and History

About Us

Partnered with the National Association of Primary Care (NAPC)
Professor James Kingsland OBE - key advisor to everythingCQC
What you will find here is nowhere else
Our history CQC Solutions
About this knowledgebase
One unified CQC system for Healthcare & Adult Social Care
Our Products and Solutions
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Primary Care Networks (PCNs)

 Partnered with the NAPC, the largest PCN network in England
NAPC logo large


The leading independent resource for CQC compliance

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If you are part of an NHS body or a Membership or Regulatory organisation, you may qualify to use our products as a Reference Standard.