Section 4 - Our Staff
Do a quick review to add as much information as is available, and add the missing items to the Action List

Examples of how to complete things easily

  1. Training Matrix - Print out the latest matrix and add comments as to how this will be added to and monitored during the year
  2. Staff Appraisals have a log of appraisals or a note as to when they were last done, and the next ones scheduled
  3. Staff List - You must have this with a note of part-time Vs full-time
  4. Think about whatever is missing and have your answers ready e.g. "We have scheduled a review in 2 months' time" or reasons why this is not applicable
  5. In all cases, make an Action List to demonstrate that you have noted this and have a plan to address this, else it looks like you never thought of it
  6. Once again, don't worry about not having things ready, work on having valid answers to show you are on top of things. Compliance is an ongoing process.

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